KTC外墙板是一种集外围护、外保温、外装饰为一体的新型可装配式外墙系统,以不含石棉等对人体有害物质的水泥、植物纤维等为原料经过行业*有真空及空心挤出成型工艺,经过完善的材质稳定性双阶段蒸压养护、涂装、包装等工序而成。 KTC Fiber Cement Siding Board is a new kind of low-carbon cladding material with 3 functions:cladding,insulation and decoration.It is made from cement and plant fiber without asbestos.It is produced by vacuum and hollow extrusion molding process which process which is unique,well finished by double stages autoclaved curing. Coating and packing procee. 应用范围:外墙、商业、餐饮、院校、各类餐馆等。 质量稳定性、绿色环保、无放射性、隔声隔热防火、层间位移、安装方便、轻质高强 规格尺寸:3000*300*15mm、3000*460*16mm、3000*600*26mm